Registration for The Great Nocturnal Happening 2024

Registration for the Great Nocturnal Happening is open until 12 June 2024. You can sign up for the programme by filling out the registration form below. Please fill in all the details carefully, and note that the form cannot be saved unfinished. Once the registration is done, you will get an automatic confirmation via email. Registration is binding.

Registration fees: communities 55€ (including VAT 24%), companies 210€ (+ VAT 24%). With the fee your event will be added to the official Festival Magazine and the website of Tampere Theatre Festival and your event will be a part of the Great Nocturnal Happenings official marketing. You can find last year's program from the bottom.

Please note that the organizer of the event is in charge of producing the event. The organizer of the event agrees to provide the necessary information for marketing and licensing to Tampere Theatre Festival by the end of registration period or as agreed.

Questions & inquiries:

Jose Lötjönen, Production Assistant

Sofia Ketola, Production Designer

Contact Details
Event Info

How much time do you need to set up before and load out after your event at the location?

Do you sell tickets for the event?

List the ticket prices and possible discounts

Ask from the city about the use of electricity points. For outdoor events, please note that high noise levels can cause noise pollution to the environment.

E.g. age limits, traffic arrangements, noise or other distractions?


Name a person who is responsible for the event's safety

Have you conducted a safety strategy for your event that takes into account the safety of the public and the performers?

Is it possible to limit the access to the event area, if necessary?

Is there an unobstructed access to the event

Have you taken into account the cleaning of the venue after your performance?

You can tell more about the safety arrangements of the show/event, e.g. hygiene, safety distances, guiding the audience, instructions etc.


In this section you can send photos text and other materials for marketing the event. You can also sent photos later via WeTransfer or as a Dropbox or Drive link to

A short description of the event for marketing the event on Tampere Theatre Festival's website and social media. Please note, that the text can be edited.

Text for marketing the event on Tampere Theatre Festival's website and social media. Please note, that the text can be shortened and edited.

Formats: jpg, png, gif. Preferred width at least 2000 px. Maximum size 10 MB.

Formats: jpg, png, gif. Preferred width at least 2000 px. Maximum size 10 MB.

Formats: jpg, png, gif. Preferred width at least 2000 px. Maximum size 10 MB.

Links to photos (Dropbox, Google Drive etc.), facebook, instagram, trailers, reviews, and articles; background information about the show or performers.
Remember to include the event title and the name of the photographer in the photo file names. You can also share photos by WeTransfer.

Privacy Policy

Personal information provided in this form is going to be handled confidentially by Tampere Theatre Festival. Contact details will be used only in relation to The Great Nocturnal Happening and will not be shared anywhere else.