Seminars, meetings and more


Tampere Theatre Festival offers a great opportunity to attend discussions, workshops and meetings.

Photo: Laura Vanzo / Visit Tampere

  • Tue 6.8.
  • 10.00
  • Dance Studio Razzmatazz
  • Gaga movement research summer course
  • TREenit! Ry
  • Tue 6.8.
  • 10.00
  • Dance Studio Razzmatazz

Gaga movement research summer course

 TREenit! Ry

Tue 6.8.–Thu 8.8., Dance Studio Razzmatazz, Aleksis Kiven katu 18 B

Photo by: Gadi Dagon

You don’t want to miss this chance: Gaga dance course in Finland by an international teacher! The classes have a range from professional dancers to those with no experience in dance.

Gaga classes are predicated on a deep activation of the body and physical sensations. We provide a framework for discovering and strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and the imagination.

The course is held 6.–8.8.
Daily schedule:
Gaga / people 10.00-11.00
Gaga / dancers 11.15-12.30

Course fee:


Venue with limited accessiblility.

  • Wed 7.8.
  • 16.00
  • Theatre Telakka, terrace
  • Meeting for the independent performing arts sector
  • Esittävän taiteen vapaat yhteisöt ry (previously Theatre Centre)
  • Wed 7.8.
  • 16.00
  • Theatre Telakka, terrace

Meeting for the independent performing arts sector

Esittävän taiteen vapaat yhteisöt ry (previously Theatre Centre)

Wed 7.8. 16–18 Theatre Telakka terrace, Tullikamarin aukio 3

Calling all those who operate in the independent performing arts field!

Theatre Centre (Esittävän taiteen vapaat yhteisöt ry, advocacy organization for independent communities in the performing arts) invites you all to a casual get-together during the Tampere Theatre Festival week. This occasion gives you the chance to network and get to know other people in the independent performing arts sector, to discuss current topics, share ideas and experiences and plan future collaborations.

This event is informal and no sign-up is needed.

A warm welcome to you all!


Venue with limited accessibility.
More info:

  • Thu 8.8.
  • 10.00
  • Theatre Telakka, 2nd floor
  • Grant workshop for freelancers
  • Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland, Teme
  • Thu 8.8.
  • 10.00
  • Theatre Telakka, 2nd floor

Grant workshop for freelancers

Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland, Teme

Thu 8.8. 10–13, Theatre Telakka, 2nd floor, Tullikamarin aukio 3

For members of Teme and Sunklo – what is the structure and language of a good grant application, and what should be included in the budget?

  • Antti Niskanen, Head of SKR's Central Finland and North Savo Funds: the text of a good application.
  • Vespa Laine: Spinning the budget: case-study Fern Orchestra.
  • Vegetarian lunch

Free admission, for 40 people. Registration by 1.8.:

Antti Niskanen has worked in SKR (The Finnish Cultural Foundation) for 20 years and in the theatre sector for over 30 years.

Vespa Laine is the founder of the science and art collective Fern Orchestra, which operates on a grant basis. She has raised over 500.000€ in funding for her group since 2017.


Venue is not accessible. The event is held on the second floor, no elevator.
More info:

Fern Orchestra: Vedenjakaja. Photo by: Robert Seger.

  • Thu 8.8.
  • 16.00
  • Main Library Metso, Kanerva Hall
  • We love to read plays!
  • Teatterin Uusi Alkukirjasto ry, Ntamo and Suomen Näytelmäkirjailijat ja Käsikirjoittajat ry.
  • Thu 8.8.
  • 16.00
  • Main Library Metso, Kanerva Hall

We love to read plays!

Teatterin Uusi Alkukirjasto ry, Ntamo and Suomen Näytelmäkirjailijat ja Käsikirjoittajat ry.

Thu 8.8. 16–18, Kanerva Hall at Main Library Metso, Pirkankatu 2

Theatre literature in the spotlight – discussions on the role of plays as part of literature and its publishing. Why do playwrights think plays should be printed as books? What about readers? What is the significance of plays in literary discourse? And what could it be like? What's up with publishing plays in Finland today?

The two-hour colloquium offers a broad and diverse overview of how the play as literature is doing today. Inspiring interviews, debate and reading tips! You can also buy books from Ntamo, TUA and Sunklo at an affordable price.

Playwright Pipsa Lonka and publisher Maria Säkö are interviewed by literature journalist Taru Torikka. Playwrights Okko Leo and Taija Helminen are interviewed by theatre critic and Sunklo's publicist Leena Kärkkäinen and publisher and philosopher Jarkko S. Tuusvuori.

A pop-up bookstore selling books from ntamo, TUA and Sunklo will be set up at the Tampere Theatre Festival box office. The bookstore will open the week before the festival. Come make some great finds! Payment by MobilePay only.

Taija Helminen, Pipsa Lonka and Okko Leo.
Photos by: Leena Koskela, Aino Nieminen, Maarit Laitinen.



  • Fri 9.8.
  • 10.00
  • INDUSTRY PROGRAMME – Future is Present
  • Tampere Theatre Festival & Theatre Info Finland TINFO
  • Fri 9.8.
  • 10.00

INDUSTRY PROGRAMME – Future is Present

Tampere Theatre Festival & Theatre Info Finland TINFO

Future is Present is a special programme curated for the festival’s international guests. It includes selected Finnish performances, meeting with artists and get-togethers.

Future is Present is hosted in collaboration by Theatre Info Finland & Tampere Theatre Festival.

More info for International Guests:

Theatre Info Finland TINFO
Linnea Stara, Director
Hyde Hytti, International and Transcultural Affairs,

Tampere Theatre Festival
Saara Rautavuoma, Coordinator for International Guests

  • Sat 10.8.
  • 10.15
  • Main Library Metso, Lehmus hall
  • OPEN DISCUSSION: Theatre of Change?
  • Tampere Theatre Festival
  • Sat 10.8.
  • 10.15
  • Main Library Metso, Lehmus hall

OPEN DISCUSSION: Theatre of Change?

Tampere Theatre Festival

Sat 10.8. 10.15–12.15, Lehmus Hall at Main Library Metso, Pirkankatu 2
(Hox! Change in schedule)

Tampere Theatre Festival invites everyone to join a discussion on the purpose of theatre in times of change. Whether we look at the crisis of democracy, our attitudes towards others, or the nature that surrounds us, we see it clearly – a change has to come. Yet, we resist. We hold on to the past – our habits, our opinions and our privileges. What is the role of theatre in questioning the norms, perceptions and narratives that – at least seem to – make us what we are?

KEYNOTE (30 min)
Theatre as a Site for Forging Democracy
Professor Maria Delgado, Vice Principal (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London

Artistic Director Linda Zachrison, Göteborgs Stadsteater

Moderated by Linnea Stara, director of Theatre Info Finland TINFO

The event is in English and open for all.

Organized in collaboration with Theatre Info Finland TINFO. Supported by Operaatio Pirkanmaa and Maailma näyttämölle.

Venue is accessible. Event is held at the ground floor.
More info: