
Tampereen ylioppilasteatteri

Virgo, a local musical that premiered in 1997 is finally coming home to Tampere with a whole new production at Tampereen ylioppilasteatteri. The musical is written by Heikki Salo, and is composed by Costello Hautamäki, known from the rock band Popeda. The original 1997 production was a collaborative effort by Tampere Theatre, City of Tampere, and local employment authorities, and was made to provide jobs for over a hundred young people. Many of those people have since gone to have a career in the performing arts industry. The new production at Tampereen ylioppilasteatteri is directed by Pyry Keto, the music is directed and arranged by Joona Lehto, and the choreography is by Ida Pajunen.

ON-GAME! Two gangs, Larpers and Rollers, are after the same premises for their gangs and will fight for it, whatever it takes. Who plays it dirty, and who considers the game a mere fantasy? In the shadows, young love starts to connect the gangs. Simultaneously, the courier service run by the Rollers is in deep trouble as the drug distribution business run by the gang leader Pete starts to fall apart. Virgo is a story about becoming an adult, love, and finding one’s place in the world. OFF-GAME!

Chauvinistic and racist language, cursing, violence, drug usage, shooting, blood.
Flashing lights and fog effects. Loud volume.