Walking tour: Crimes and misdemeanours in Rieväkylä
Tampereen Matkailuoppaat - Tampere Tourist Guides ry
Walking Tour: Crimes and misdemeanours in Rieväkylä (Kävelykierros: Rikoksia ja rötöksiä Rieväkylässä)
A multi-million dollar embezzlement, wild homicides, a bomb attack, an unsolved missing person case... The History of Tampere is full of dark stories and shocking crime cases. The tour will take you to a tour of real-life crimes that have touched the hearts of Tampere residents, at the real crime scenes. Starts and ends in front of the Old Church (Vanha Kirkko) in Keskustori.
Tickets from:
- Tampereen Teatteri website
- The tour guide (cash only)
Visit Tampere Tourist Guides website.

| Keskustori
Starts and ends in front of the Tampere Old Church
Tickets: Adults 12€, Children (7-15v) 5€, younger children free of charge
- Thu 8.8. 20.00Buy ticket
Duration 2h