Tampere Choir Singers

Tampereen Laulajat (orig.)

Hämeenkatu is filled with tunes as the Tampere Laulajat (formerly known as the Tampere Mieskuoro Laulajat) gathers under the Stockmann canopy.

The free concert in the bustle of the city centre will feature both traditional and more recent choral music, from art to pop. Singing takes place on the hour at 6, 7 and 8 p.m. Each concert lasts about 15-20 minutes.

Tampereen Laulajat was founded in Tampere in 1909. The choir is one of the most prestigious and active male choirs in Finland today, with around 40 men in its ranks. Paavo Hyökki is the choir's most prominent and active conductor.

For more information on the association's activities, visit their website also Facebook & Instagram.