Katja Tukiainen x Tanssiteatteri MD: Superhuman-woman AND Tanssiteatteri MD: La Libertad!

Katja Tukiainen, Tanssiteatteri MD

Katja Tukiainen x Tanssiteatteri MD: Superhuman-woman
Thu 8.8. at 17.30 Vanhan tehtaan Kutomosali 1 (Entrance Finlaysoninkuja 9, floor 3B)
Superhuman-woman and Shadow Alley from Mari Rosendahl's work Aliveness will lead the audience through the alleys of Finlayson Art Area towards Katja Tukiainen and Matti Hagelberg's exhibition starting at 17.00.

Aliveness solo performance will be shown accompanied by Shadow Alley. The multi-level version of the performance is inspired by the art of Katja Tukiainen and Matti Hagelberg. © Katja Tukiainen

Tanssiteatteri MD: La Libertad!
Thu 8.8. at 7pm & 8pm, Vanhan tehtaan Rullaamo, gallery space in the bottom floor

This is the flower of a Partisan, died for freedom.

More information: Tanssiteatteri MD also Facebook & Instagram

© Heikki Järvinen