Rock'n Swing dances
Dance association Swing Team ry
Our amazing dancers will bring the club's fast-paced disciplines to the Nocturnal Happening. Come and see what the upbeat boogie woogie, the contemporary west coast swing, the Finnish fusku, the attitude dance rockabilly, the Swedish rotary bugg and the 1930s lindy hop look like. Throw yourself into the joy of dance, dance is for everyone! In star company you are in the best company and you can be sure that the activities are of high quality and responsible.
After more than a quarter of a century of spreading the joy of dance around the world, the Swing Team Dance association is a Tampere-based dance association specialising in rock and swing dances and has been awarded the Finnish Olympic Committee's Star Label for children, young people and adults.
See also Swing Team website.

| Kauppakeskus Ratina
Tapahtuma-aukio, Vuolteenkatu 1
Free entry
- Thu 8.8. 18.00
- Thu 8.8. 19.00
Duration 18.00-19.30