Live audiobook - essays on life and society

Osuuskunta Vastapaino, street magazine Rohee & Vanha kirkko

Come and hear the live word in the Old Church as non-fiction authors are interviewed and each reads an extract from their book aloud. Accompanied by the street magazine Rohee. The event will be held in Finnish.

18.30-19.00 Timo Torikka, reads Didier Eribon's book Paluu Reimsiin
Back to Reims tells the story of French philosopher Didier Eribon's controversial journey into his working-class past.

19.00-19.30 Tuomas Hoppu, Kaupunkisotaa ja pako Tampereelta (Mikko Jämsén)
Both poor people's homes and prestigious buildings such as the theatre building are affected by the shelling and fires. Gradually, the fate of the Red City begins to be fulfilled. City War and Escape from Tampere is the second part of historian Tuomas Hopu's Civil War trilogy.

19.30-20.00 Marissa Mehr, Nainen joka käveli veitseen
A carnivalesque collection of essays about a difficult relationship, a love affair with opera. It chews on the art of the elite, sometimes anarchist and revolutionary.

20.00-20.30 Taina Saarikivi, Lihan värinä
Lihan värinä is an essay about grief, abandonment, silence, lust and carnality, and the uncontrollability and finiteness of life. Taina Saarikivi is a sound artist and associate professor of cultural sound studies at the University of Turku.

20.30-21.00 Hanna Kuusela, Syytös (Saara Särmä)
Syytös is a description of modern Finland, ready to sell its civilisation to the lowest bidder. A combination of essay, diary, lament and autofact, it is an indictment of those who destroy civilisation and trample on democracy.

21.00-21.30 Kimmo Jylhämö, Digi-askeesi
Many of us have an ambivalent relationship with digital. Sometimes we dream of a life without technology. Sometimes we rely on digital and gadgets as our only connection to the world.