Tipping Point – Balancing in a Time of Change


Directed by Alexander Weibel Weibel

A group of circus artists and a musician navigate through a twisted world made up of metal and wires. In a dazzling display of aerial acrobatics, contortionism and hair hanging, they move along, against and despite the structures.

Swedish circus art pioneers Cirkus Cirkör unleash a spectacle of thrills at the 2024 Tampere Theatre Festival. Tipping Point – Balancing in a Time of Change deals with the framework that holds our societies and democracy together: no matter how solid you thought it would be, all it takes is a tiny little shift, and the whole thing collapses.

Swinging from light comedy to daredevil suspense, Tipping Point is also a showcase for next-generation circus talents – with some Finnish flavor included!

”An innovative circus gem that makes time stand still.”