We love to read plays!

Teatterin Uusi Alkukirjasto ry, Ntamo and Suomen Näytelmäkirjailijat ja Käsikirjoittajat ry.

Teatterin Uusi Alkukirjasto ry, Ntamo and Suomen Näytelmäkirjailijat ja Käsikirjoittajat ry.

Thu 8.8. 16–18, Kanerva Hall at Main Library Metso, Pirkankatu 2

Theatre literature in the spotlight – discussions on the role of plays as part of literature and its publishing. Why do playwrights think plays should be printed as books? What about readers? What is the significance of plays in literary discourse? And what could it be like? What's up with publishing plays in Finland today?

The two-hour colloquium offers a broad and diverse overview of how the play as literature is doing today. Inspiring interviews, debate and reading tips! You can also buy books from Ntamo, TUA and Sunklo at an affordable price.

Playwright Pipsa Lonka and publisher Maria Säkö are interviewed by literature journalist Taru Torikka. Playwrights Okko Leo and Taija Helminen are interviewed by theatre critic and Sunklo's publicist Leena Kärkkäinen and publisher and philosopher Jarkko S. Tuusvuori.

A pop-up bookstore selling books from ntamo, TUA and Sunklo will be set up at the Tampere Theatre Festival box office. The bookstore will open the week before the festival. Come make some great finds! Payment by MobilePay only.

Taija Helminen, Pipsa Lonka and Okko Leo.
Photos by: Leena Koskela, Aino Nieminen, Maarit Laitinen.