Uneni eivät pelkää pimeää

Pirkanmaan Tanssin Keskus

In this multi-artistic work, a dancer, a musician and a poet weave together on stage. They release words into the wind, take steps with their eyes closed, dance to the brown hares, wonder the evening clouds. Counting grains of sand on the beach, stars in the sky and wistful thoughts. Niina Hannula's live music and Pekka Kytömäe's poems create a magical world in which dancer Hanna Korhonen moves, commenting on them, arguing with them and sometimes in momentary harmony. The performance lingers in the moment, reminiscing about the past and exploring the future. Stepping from moss to concrete and back to the reed bed.

"On the way back, the mind wanders along a different path than the feet. The false landscape behind the trees derails the path from under me and for a few seconds I slide free." - Pekka Kytömäki

The performance My dreams are not afraid of the dark (origin. Uneni eivät pelkää pimeää) is part of the Moving Poems concept and series of works. The Moving Poems is an ongoing concept conceived by dance artist Hanna Korhonen and started in 2018, creating contemporary dance and soundscapes to contemporary poems and prose texts. Korhonen will continue to work on this concept every year where possible, always creating new moving poems with new communities and artists. 

More info about the performance