OPEN DISCUSSION: Theatre of Change?

Tampere Theatre Festival

Tampere Theatre Festival

Sat 10.8. 10.15–12.15, Lehmus Hall at Main Library Metso, Pirkankatu 2
(Hox! Change in schedule)

Tampere Theatre Festival invites everyone to join a discussion on the purpose of theatre in times of change. Whether we look at the crisis of democracy, our attitudes towards others, or the nature that surrounds us, we see it clearly – a change has to come. Yet, we resist. We hold on to the past – our habits, our opinions and our privileges. What is the role of theatre in questioning the norms, perceptions and narratives that – at least seem to – make us what we are?

KEYNOTE (30 min)
Theatre as a Site for Forging Democracy
Professor Maria Delgado, Vice Principal (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London

Artistic Director Linda Zachrison, Göteborgs Stadsteater

Moderated by Linnea Stara, director of Theatre Info Finland TINFO

The event is in English and open for all.

Organized in collaboration with Theatre Info Finland TINFO. Supported by Operaatio Pirkanmaa and Maailma näyttämölle.

Venue is accessible. Event is held at the ground floor.
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