OFF PRE SHOW: Life is Now - 10th Anniversary Show

Pelastakaa Ballerinat ry

Come and see what the ten-year journey of Pelastakaa Ballerinat ry has looked like and what themes and encounters it has encompassed throughout these eventful and even world-changing events. How does a choreography created even a decade ago fit into the contemporary world and values? The Ballerinas have approached previous choreographies with fresh eyes and brought them into the present, while still respecting the original performance time and the important events that shaped the piece.

The second half of the performance focuses more on the present and the future. Future challenges, which can often appear to us as threats, are addressed. The second half is a journey encompassing the present moment, the future, and how the Ballerinas think, dream, hope, and perhaps even fear a little. This journey is conducted through dance, as we recognize and perceive it.

However, the most important thing in all of this is this moment, life right now, and that's what we dance together. A strong hope for humanity, community, and equality lives throughout the performance, which despite its strong and impactful themes, is undoubtedly an engaging show by the Pelastakaa Ballerinat ry.

Life is Now and you are here, and here is wonderful!