Gaga movement research summer course

TREenit! Ry

 TREenit! Ry

Tue 6.8.–Thu 8.8., Dance Studio Razzmatazz, Aleksis Kiven katu 18 B

Photo by: Gadi Dagon

You don’t want to miss this chance: Gaga dance course in Finland by an international teacher! The classes have a range from professional dancers to those with no experience in dance.

Gaga classes are predicated on a deep activation of the body and physical sensations. We provide a framework for discovering and strengthening the body and adding flexibility, stamina, agility, and skills including coordination and efficiency while stimulating the senses and the imagination.

The course is held 6.–8.8.
Daily schedule:
Gaga / people 10.00-11.00
Gaga / dancers 11.15-12.30

Course fee:


Venue with limited accessiblility.