Artteli on Art

Artteli-kumppanuusyhdistys ry

A summer event open to all and free of charge at the Kumppanuustalo Artteli on the Great Nocturnal Happening. Live music, live art and a relaxed atmosphere! Our event is alcohol-free, barrier-free and age-neutral. Welcome to celebrate summer with us!

Artteli On Art 8.8. Schedule:
18.00 - Lube Von Liukko (Triphop / Acid jazz)
19.00 - VIP-E & LB (Suomirap)
20.00 - Open Mic (Freestyle rap)
21.00 - germ_ (EBM / Tekno)
22.00 - Hipit Pystyyn Kuolleyet Hipit (Manserock underground)


For more information:

Follow us on social media: Facebook & Instagram

Accessibility: all events will take place on the first floor, where there are no stairs (low threshold in some places). On the same floor there is a low-threshold toilet, which also serves as an inva toilet. Our toilets are gender-neutral.
Read more about our accessibility at

We follow the principles of safer spaces at the event.